
Awan Senja

"I'm a Designer Type from Watampone, Indonesia. Enjoyed creating some simple and useful font projects, cute characters and lovely scripts. I started this field in the last 2 years because I saw an opportunity to develop my design interests. Previously, I worked on design projects in all fields ranging from logos, packaging, brochures, company profiles and many more, and at this point, I am very happy with this work. I focus on typography of letters, but in my shop I focus more on making cute fonts, crafts, fun, a look that looks more colorful, which is very suitable in making posters, packaging. Every font that I make is purely from my own making without plagiarizing other people's, because I think this is a project that I have to maintain in order to compete in the market; one of which is myfont. Some of the fonts that I made are equipped with swash, ligature, alternate, and bonus ornaments that make my fonts look more perfect, I've also completed all fonts with multilingual languages ​​ÀÁÂÃÅÆ ÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕ × ØÙÚÛÝÞàáâãåæçèé êëìíîïðñòóôõ ÷ øùúûýþÿ and multilingual language is the language of the act of using multiple languages ​​by individuals or society. In the world, there are more people who are multilingual than monolingual. Multilingualism is a social phenomenon caused by the influence of globalization and cultural openness."