Benjamín Sepúlveda
"Benjamín Sepúlveda is a Graphic Design student from Chile in love with letters since 10 years. Introduced to graffiti at a young age, he keeps looking for ""what makes a letter stand out?"" and the science behind the lines that compose a letter: ""It was just a matter of time before I realized typography is another way to keep learning more about letters"". His aspiration is to bring a mix of the graffiti street flavour and typography and let these two disciplines continue to feed each other. With a love about the ""old school"" and the fundamentals of letters, the research for unique ancient typography books is always an important step on his process: ""All it is already done... its a must that we as designers, recognize what generations and generations of designers had done before us, so we can learn, take the torch and keep running the marathon""."