Rene Toussaint

Rene Toussaint (DJ THINK) studied at the following centers of education:

Woodlin (Wizards)

Sligo (Stallions)

Richard Montgomery (Rockets)

Howard (Bison)

SVA (Squidley)

AAU (Urban Knights)

Rene Toussaint added "TH!NK" as his creator name in 1990 when Math Instructor Victor Weinstein at RMHS proposed to his class: "it is our job to teach you [guys/gals] how to THINK (for yourselves)".

DJ THINK has been responsible for innovating The Rhythm And Poetry Cipher, adding to the musical score for Rhyme Deferred, developing a prototype logo for Rhyme Deferred, making physical graffiti from soda cans and vinyl records, innovating custom printed modular plastic origami, and developing synchronized digital graffiti + hip hop beats animation and software.

DJ THINK is online at , , and all socials @realdjthink .

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