
Population: 126,635,626

Languages: English (official), Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo (Ibo), Fulani

Background: Following nearly 16 years of military rule, a new constitution was adopted in 1999 and a peaceful transition to civilian government completed. The new president faces the daunting task of rebuilding a petroleum-based economy, whose revenues have...

Currency: naira (NGN, No information)

Data from CIA World Factbook. Click on CIA link for more. Click on map or flag for larger images.


Nigerian Font Foundries

 · Isioma Okwezime

Nigerian Typographic People

 · Isioma Okwezime
 · Oladele Olawole
 · Emmanuel Wickliffe

Related Links

 · CIA World Factbook: Nigeria
 · Ethnologue: Languages of Nigeria
 · BBC Country profile: Nigeria