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Monotype Imaging, EOT Friendly License «

Monotype Imaging, EOT Friendly License


Piper Lawson in Archive on June 2, 2009

Monotype Imaging Introduces New Font License to Permit Use on Non-Commercial Web Sites

End User License Agreement Allows for Specific Use of Embedded OpenType Fonts at No Additional Charge

WOBURN, Mass., June 2, 2009 – Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: TYPE), a leading global provider of text imaging solutions, has introduced a non-commercial end user license agreement, or EULA, that permits the use of fonts in the Embedded OpenType® format on the Web. Intended to extend font choice for Web page design, the EULA requires no additional fee for use on a non-commercial Web site when licensing products from the company’s Monotype®, Linotype®, ITC® and Image Club typeface collections from Monotype Imaging’s e-commerce sites:,, and

Historically, Web pages have been designed using fonts that exist on client or recipient computers, a scenario that has presented a limited typographic selection for Web page design. Through the use of Embedded OpenType, or EOT, fonts can be linked to Web pages and downloaded to the client’s machine, enabling Web designers to specify typefaces that are not present on the recipient’s computer. The use of EOT fonts opens opportunity for designers to work with a significantly broader range of typefaces.

Web designers should have the same options as print designers when choosing a font,” said John Seguin, executive vice president of Monotype Imaging. “Through our support of EOT, Web designers can now turn to our selection of high-quality typefaces to legally use on their sites, without incurring additional licensing fees.”

The Embedded OpenType format, which enables designers to specify EOT fonts for use on defined Web pages, was developed by Microsoft and made available as part of the Internet Explorer® browser. As with images and graphics, the fonts are downloaded to the client’s machine, allowing pages to be rendered using the designated fonts. Fonts in the EOT format can be linked to a domain – a step required by Monotype Imaging’s new EULA – which prevents fonts from being used on unlicensed Web sites. The EOT format acts as a wrapper around a font based on the TrueType® or OpenType format. The wrapper contains encrypted information that prevents the font from being used on a recipient’s computer beyond the ability to display the content of the Web pages. The EOT format also uses Monotype Imaging’s MicroType® Express compression technology.

MicroType Express minimizes EOT font file sizes, which helps reduce font download times and improves user experience by ensuring that textual content is displayed by a browser very quickly,” said Vladimir Levantovsky, senior technology strategist at Monotype Imaging. “EOT is particularly useful when delivering Web content in complex languages such as Indic languages, where a choice of resident fonts is very limited. As a member of the World Wide Web Consortium, our goal is to establish a universally supported Web font format, either through browser adoption of EOT, or other format with similar capabilities, in order to provide an abundant selection of type for everyone designing or viewing content on the Web.”


Monotype, Linotype, ITC and Image Club products can be licensed under the new EULA, available on Monotype Imaging e-commerce sites. In addition, customers may also contact Monotype Imaging in the U.S. toll-free at 800-424-8973, or in Europe at +44 (0)1737 765959, or 001781 970-6020, option 2. Linotype in Germany can be reached at +49 (0) 6172 484-418. Customers from other parts of the world may dial 001 781 970-6020 (U.S.). Like its predecessor, the new EULA covers personal and internal business use but has been expanded to allow use of EOT fonts specifically on non-commercial Web sites. Commercial use, including use of an EOT font on a commercial Web site, requires a separate license that can be obtained by contacting Monotype Imaging. Licensed fonts can be converted to the EOT format through the use of any publicly available utility.

Fonts that were licensed prior to the availability of the new EULA will need to be repurchased, if EOT rights are desired.

About Monotype Imaging

Monotype Imaging is a global provider of text imaging solutions for manufacturers and developers of consumer electronics devices including laser printers, copiers, mobile phones, digital televisions, set-top boxes, navigation devices, digital cameras and software applications and operating systems. The company also provides printer drivers and color imaging technologies to OEMs (original equipment manufacturers). Monotype Imaging technologies are combined with access to more than 10,000 typefaces from the Monotype, Linotype and ITC typeface libraries – home to some of the world’s most widely used designs, including the Times New Roman®, Helvetica® and ITC Franklin Gothic™ typefaces. Fonts are licensed to creative and business professionals through custom font design services, direct sales or e-commerce portals. Monotype Imaging offers fonts and industry-standard solutions that support all of the world’s major languages. The company is based in Woburn, Mass., with regional offices in the U.K., Germany (Linotype), Mt. Prospect, Ill., Redwood City, Calif., Boulder, Colo., Japan, China and Korea. Information about Monotype Imaging and its products can be found at