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Customer Spotlight: TravelSmart «

Customer Spotlight: TravelSmart


Johnathan Zsittnik in Archive on June 3, 2011

TravelSmart is an initiative of TransLink, Metro Vancouver’s regional transportation authority. The TravelSmart website features articles and tools to help Metro Vancouverites make daily changes toward sustainable travel.

A bright color palette sets the eco-conscious tone while the perpetually modern Neo® Sans typeface – chosen for headlines, body copy and the TravelSmart logo – ties things together.

The site was architected and developed by FCV, a Vancouver-based interactive agency. “We tried a variety of options for using type on the Web, but this one is our favorite,” said Warren Anthony,  vice president of  user  experience at FCV. “Ease of use, searchable and on brand. Using Web Fonts is a win-win-win.”


Johnathan Zsittnik
Johnathan Zsittnik is the eCommerce Marketing Manager at Monotype Imaging. Johnathan holds both a bachelor’s degree in marketing and a master’s degree in business administration from Bentley University.