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Customer Spotlight: Room & Board enhances site with Web fonts «

Customer Spotlight: Room & Board enhances site with Web fonts


Bill Davis in Archive on August 5, 2011

Room & Board is a national retailer that provides handcrafted, American-made furniture. For more than 30 years, the company has focused on the simple idea that good design should be beautiful, affordable and long lasting. Room & Board’s attention to detail can be seen in fine typography throughout its stores, in print and on its website.

The website features Monotype’s Gill Sans® fonts in menus, headlines and titles. Like many other websites it previously used images to control its typography. But thanks to Web fonts this is quickly changing. The Room & Board Web team is upgrading the site to switch from images to text by using Web fonts. This change will enhance the site with better performance, accessibility and indexability. Using Web fonts instead of images saves time and reduces the need to manually generate graphics using programs like Adobe® Photoshop® applications. website featuring web fonts from Monotype