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Customer Spotlight: University of the West of England «

Customer Spotlight: University of the West of England


Mark Larson in Archive on September 16, 2011

When the University of the West of England was founded in 1595 (as the “Bristol Society of Merchant Venturers’ Navigation School “), the font selection they had to choose from was quite a bit smaller than it is today, to say the least. However, when it came to their recent website update, they not only had a vast selection to choose from, but they took the opportunity to implement Web fonts.

Because the university’s mission is to “make a positive difference to our students, business and society”, the university’s website is, in effect, the face of that mission. With than in mind, they chose to use the VAG Rounded™ typeface throughout the navigation elements and headlines on the website. The type’s rounded ends make text appear more informal, imparting a friendly appearance, while still maintaining a professional demeanor.

University of the West of England

University of the West of England