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U&lc Volume Fourteen - Cool Covers, More Families & Daniel Pelavin
Allan Haley in U&lc on November 30, 2011
There were only three issues of U&lc in Volume Fourteen but, from cover to last page, each was packed with great content for lovers of type, lettering and typography. New typefaces were announced, more “families” were written about, antique crafts were celebrated, and an illustrator – soon to become a type designer and illustrator – was introduced to the readers of U&lc.
The Cover of U&lc Volume Fourteen, Number One, is the result of a three-month labor of love. The accompanying feature on the work of Ray Morrone should be a delight for lovers of type, lettering, and Spencerian scripts. What he produced with a Gillott® 290 pen was pure magic. An article on antique type specimen books and the annoucement of the ITC Pacella™ typeface family also make this issue a great read.
The illustrations of Daniel Pelavin are showcased in Volume Fourteen, Number Two. The next time Pelavin is written about in U&lc is when his first commercial typeface, the ITC Anna™ family, was announced. Pelavin continues to draw alphabets and create dynamic illustrations today.
Volume Fourteen, Number Three, carried the first U&lc cover designed by me. OK, the terrific illustration is from painter, Robert Heindel whose exceptional work is synonymous with the world of ballet; but the little typography in the upper right corner of the page is mine. The ITC Tiepolo™ family from Cynthia Hollandsworth and Arthur Baker also made its debut Volume Fourteen, Number Three. They drew many more typefaces. I didn’t do any more U&lc covers.
The dancing d’Amboises, Brothers Grim and hockey’s Gordie Howe and sons were featured in the Families to Remember series in Volume Fourteen – along with the ITC Eras®, ITC Benguiat® and ITC Korinna® typeface families.
Click the PDFs below to find out what else was in U&lc Volume Fourteen.
Low Resolution:
Volume 14-1 (Low Res).pdf (14.3 MB)
Volume 14-2 (Low Res).pdf (12.1 MB)
Volume 14-3 (Low Res).pdf (14.5 MB)
High Resolution:
Volume 14-1.pdf (64.1 MB)
Volume 14-2.pdf (58.3 MB)
Volume 14-3.pdf (71.0 MB)