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Spend Quality Time With A Typographic Star
Allan Haley in Archive on May 18, 2012
It’s not often that you can work shoulder to shoulder with a typographic master. You can, however, if you sign up for the Type Directors Club’s Type Masters Week workshops June 1 through 6. The club is offering the unique opportunity to participate in hands-on workshops with the likes of award winning typographer extraordinaire, Gail Anderson, internationally renown type designer, Henrik Kubel, Bas Jacobs, of Underware fame, and Font Bureau’s David Berlow.
You can spend a long weekend with SVA instructor Gail Anderson and her always-cheerful co-teacher, Josh Hester, and create your own short motion piece in After Effects.
Henrik Kubel will work with participants in his workshop in creating new stencil alphabets in one-to-one tutorials throughout the day, concluding with a mini exhibition and critique of the final designs.
Twenty attendees will work together to create one font, in Bas Jacobs’ workshop, which he promises will be as “electrifying as Sylvester Stallone in a B-movie.”
The day with David Berlow will be equally delightful as attendees of his workshop will make not only fonts – but websites on which to display them. And, as any one who knows David will tell you, a day with Mr. Berlow is – like garage bands and red licorice – a simple pleasure.