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Customer Spotlight: Mongoose «

Customer Spotlight: Mongoose


Ryan Arruda in Archive on January 7, 2013

Founded in Southern California nearly four decades ago, Mongoose is a recognized authority in the biking world. With an extensive collection of rugged mountain, BMX, and street bikes in their product line, it’s fitting that the company’s website is indeed peppered with a distinctly kinetic and visceral visual spirit.

Bold, prominent typography contrasts seamlessly with imagery overlaid with bright, saturated colors. The site’s top navigation features the DIN 1451 typeface for its main elements, as well as the stocky, bold weight of the ITC American Typewriter family for secondary items.

The body of the site follows in a similar vein — headlines are generously set in the EngSchrift style of DIN 1451, while subheadings and body copy are set in the bold and medium varieties of ITC American Typewriter, respectively. The friendliness of the ITC American Typewriter family is an especially nice foil to the seemingly pragmatic demeanor of DIN 145.

DIN 1451 is available in both a regular and condensed weight. ITC American Typewriter is available in three weights — light through bold — and features matching italic designs as well as three condensed styles. Both designs are available through subscriptions to the Web Fonts service.

Ryan Arruda
Ryan Arruda is the Web Content Strategist at Monotype Imaging. Ryan holds a bachelor’s degree in film studies from Clark University, and an MFA in graphic design from RISD.