
Fontlab Ltd.

Fontlab Ltd. makes software applications for those who want to do more with fonts than just use them. With the management and the sales division in the U.S., and a group programmers in St. Petersburg, Russia, this truly multinational company is best known for their flagship product FontLab Studio.

Low-end products by Fontlab Ltd.

Fontlab Ltd. offers several applications at the affordable, semi-pro level. TransType is a universal font converter. It turns a Windows font into a Mac font, or TrueType into PostScript (and vice-versa). Very useful if you use fonts on multiple platforms, especially if your application just doesn't support the other type. TypeTool is the lightweight font editor, and has all the essentials for the type designer. (In fact, some of the fonts at are created with TypeTool).

High-end products by Fontlab Ltd.

Fontlab Ltd. also offers tools for those who have developed more interest in type design and wish to create professional-quality fonts. FontLab Studio is a high-end font editor with features and continuous improvements that make it the first choice for most professional type designers. ScanFont 4 is an extension for FontLab or TypeTool that turns bitmap images and vector illustrations into fonts. BitFonter is a high-end bitmap font editor.