Heinrich Jost
Heinrich Jost – born 13. 10. 1889 in Magdeburg, Germany, died 27. 9. 1948 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany – typographer, type designer, graphic designer. Trained as a bookseller and also attended courses at the Kunstgewerbe- und Handwerkerschule in Magdeburg. 1908: moves to Munich. 1911: takes evening courses at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Munich under Paul Renner and Emil Preetorius. Works as a book designer and graphic artist. 1923–48: art director of the Bauersche type foundry in Frankfurt am Main. Font: Fraktur (1925), Atrax (1926), (1926), Aeterna (1927), (1930–36). * TYPOGRAPHY – An Encyclopedic Survey of Type Design and Techniques Throughout History by Friedrich Friedl, Nicolaus Ott (Editor), Bernard Stein, published by Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. Bauer Bodoni and Beton are trademarks of Bauer Types SA.

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