nasser Araujo

NasArt was born from my life story, I am the heir to a designer and photographer father, my teacher from whom I continue to learn beautiful things, and a creative and dreamy mother. I share my life with a designer and photographer, that is, I live surrounded by design and art. I have been passionate about letters since I was in high school, I share that passion with writing my music and poetry. However, what I am most passionate about in my professional life is design and even more so three areas that are art for it: calligraphy, fantastic lettering, and typography, it is for me a world of imagination, to create, to dream. I have explored various techniques, forms, resources, and I am always growing as a professional and I consider myself evolving according to trends, with the firm belief that with my creations I contribute in some way to the beauty of life, to the beauty of this world.

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