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Paranoid Android

Paranoid Android

by Comicraft
Individual Styles from $29.00 USD
Complete family of 3 fonts: $39.00 USD
Paranoid Android Font Family was designed by John Roshell and published by Comicraft. Paranoid Android contains 3 styles and family package options.

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About Paranoid Android Font Family

Fonts are Inhuman and Human Fonts are IN! Now, the Comicraft Cybernetics Corporation is proud to announce the first in a new line of fonts with GFP... Genuine Font Personalities. Paranoid Android is an outer alloy, inner void, solitary solenoid GFP prototype -- you can tell, can't you? Finally a font that knows its place as a digital servant to the human race. What will Comicraft think of next?

No, don't bother to answer that, Comicraftsmen are fifty thousand times more intelligent than you and even they don't know the answer. Warning: Nothing left to be enjoyed, every diode rheumatoid*, terminally Paranoid Android is not so much a font, and more a kind of electronic sulking device. Share and Enjoy!

*The moving parts on the left side of this font are in a solid state. It may sit in a corner and rust, or just fall apart where it's standing.

Designers: John Roshell

Publisher: Comicraft

Foundry: Comicraft

Design Owner: Comicraft

MyFonts debut: Oct 26, 2005

Paranoid Android

About Comicraft

The World's Greatest Comic Book Fonts! Having dutifully lettered thousands of comic books, Comicraft's Fearless Fonts save the day in video games, TV shows, movie titles and wherever fun, lively fonts are needed. In 1992, the Dynamic Duo of Richard Starkings and John Roshelll, and their Fearless Fleet of Font Finaglers, began providing unique design and fine lettering to the comic book, TV and video game industries, and have become known for pioneering the use of the computer in the art of comic book lettering. Trapped in a world they never made, Comicraft's Fearless Fonts will come to the rescue in the nick of time!The Premium foundry page can be viewed Here.

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