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Windsor & Neue Kabel Font Pairing | Myfonts

Windsor & Neue Kabel Font Pairing

Frozen Yogurt

Windsor is a bold face with heavy rounded serifs and strong diagonal stress. Capitals “M” and “W” are widely splayed, “P” and “R” have very large upper bowls. The Lowercase “a”, “h” “m” and “n” of the Windsor font have angled right hand stems, “e” has an angled cross-stroke. The overall effect is one of friendliness and warmth. Use the Windsor font in advertising, on posters and for general display work.

Neue Kabel maintains the spirit and structure of a 21st century design. Text copy set in Neue Kabel echoes the elegance and playfulness, while delivering the versatility to shine in a wide variety of hardcopy and interactive environments.