Dmytro Poliakh

For the last 7 years I have been mainly engaged in graphic design. I fell in love with fonts a long time ago, but actively started creating them about 5 years ago. I started my design career at the age of 20 (22 years ago). I managed to work in almost all areas of visual art: web, 3d, photo collage, printing, motion design. But periodically returned back to graphic design. At some point, I realized that it was them (more precisely, the creation of fonts) that I wanted to do in the coming years.

I went to art school as a child. Then I got a diploma in industrial design. Now I feel that the acquired knowledge allows me to feel the form well, which is important when creating fonts.

I am also chronically ill with perfectionism, and my colleagues periodically suffer from this... If something happens to me, it's them! :)

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