
Latam Type Foundry

Letras Latam Foundry was born in the year 2021 experimenting with brush pen typefaces, we have created some that are found on the web with commercial free-use versions, and we consider that it is time to start monetizing what we are passionate about. We are a small collective, founded by Nasser Araujo (nasartt), where some lyricists have joined such as Leonardo Díaz (lennart13) and Gio Pineda. (gioopineda04)Our objective is to expand our typographic catalog, creating high-quality fonts and complying as far as possible with digital standards for this. We are in constant learning. For now, our catalog is small, we have between 4 and 5 free-use fonts, and now we have created a "font duo + extras" with which we want to launch as a foundry.