Robert Butler

Robert Butler’s Designer Bio

Although ancestrally I’m from old New England, I spent 21 of my youngest years in Georgia, and I have the accent to prove it. Before I was five years old I displayed a noted ability as an artist, which eventually enabled me to negotiate an acceptance into the School of Architecture at Cornell. After graduating, I lived for five years in Big Sur, California, where as a carpenter and sometime designer I built mansions for the wealthy and often lived on each building site in wilderness settings for months at a time, and the next two years I did much the same in Aspen, Colorado. Here another pastime caught up with me: life as a song-writing entertainer, and I married an opera singer who wanted to “make it on Broadway” so we moved to this area and fifty miles north of the Great White Way I designed and built a beautiful house on 14 acres where I have lived ever since. During these decades I labored as a carpenter, then a contractor, then an architect, then an author of eventually fifteen books, including five for McGraw-Hill [to see them all take a peek at my Authors Guild website,]. For all but the first of these volumes I wrote every word, inked every drawing, designed every page, and —most pertinent of all in this context— created every text and header typeface.

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