Shaily Patel
Shaily Patel is an Undergrade Graphic Design student from India who aspires to make a career in Type Design. She has always found a close relationship with letterforms and scripts since childhood. In 2020, Shaily's work in Type Design was recognized by Sharp Type's Malee Scholarship as 'Women of Typographic Excellence,' along with seven WOC Type Designers from around the globe ( https://sharptype.co/news/the-malee-scholarship-2020-typographic-excellence/). Shaily is a native speaker and writer of Gujarati, has knowledge of Devanagari and is determined to learn even more scripts, such as other Indic scripts, for her type design practice. In roughly two years, Shaily has developed typefaces in Latin and Gujarati. She dreams of creating work for the masses and believes one of the best ways is designing type. So if you just bought that font, you made her dream come true! :) Would love to see how you use the font.