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Sign Language

Sign Language

by Comicraft
Individual Styles from $39.00
Complete family of 5 fonts: $79.00
Sign Language Font Family was designed by Richard Starkings, John Roshell and published by Comicraft. Sign Language contains 5 styles and family package options.

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About Sign Language Font Family

Here at Comicraft we have seen the signs on the headline news, we have read the portents of things to come... yes, just as thunder is a sign of storm, just as pumpkins outside Ralphs on November the 1st are sure to be on sale, just as fresh produce becomes rotten, as sure as night turns to day, dark turns to grey, winter turns to spring and milk turns sour if you leave it out on the kitchen table overnight...

Yes, here at Comicraft we know there’s a signpost up ahead... a sign heading not into the twilight zone, but down a road of hope and hard work, a banner year, a red letter day, we know it’s time to knuckle down, soldier on and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. Well, we should probably pull ourselves up by our bootstraps BEFORE we soldier on, NEVERTHELESS, here it is -- not a soundbite, not an unfulfilled campaign promise -- SignLanguage is a font that makes the impossible possible, a font that cuts the taxes for 95% of American families, a font that closes down Gitmo and brings our troops home from Iraq. Senator Joe "Six Pack" Biden has described SignLanguage as articulate and bright and clean -- and a nice-looking font.

In conclusion, Comicraft recommends you elect Sign Language.

Designers: Richard Starkings, John Roshell

Publisher: Comicraft

Foundry: Comicraft

Design Owner: Comicraft

MyFonts debut: Nov 20, 2008

Sign Language

About Comicraft

The World's Greatest Comic Book Fonts! Having dutifully lettered thousands of comic books, Comicraft's Fearless Fonts save the day in video games, TV shows, movie titles and wherever fun, lively fonts are needed. In 1992, the Dynamic Duo of Richard Starkings and John Roshelll, and their Fearless Fleet of Font Finaglers, began providing unique design and fine lettering to the comic book, TV and video game industries, and have become known for pioneering the use of the computer in the art of comic book lettering. Trapped in a world they never made, Comicraft's Fearless Fonts will come to the rescue in the nick of time!The Premium foundry page can be viewed Here.

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